Sir Stelios: Well done LSE scholars!

Sir Stelios Well Done LSE Scholars

Sir Stelios and the team at his Philanthropic Foundation offer our congratulations to the LSE scholars who were awarded either a first-class or upper second-class degree at the end of their three year course. We wish them well for the future.

Irene Charalambous achieved a 2.1 BSc in Accounting and Finance

Kaman Liang achieved a 1st BSc in Economics and will be commencing studying for a MSc Economics this August

Gabriel Sjostrom achieved a 1st BSc in Accounting and Finance and also won the W.T. Baxter prize for top performance

Sifat Ahmed achieved a 1st BSc in Management (photo attached)

Alamin Hussain achieved a 2.1 BSc in Economics

Fathia Begum achieved a 2.1 BSc in Government (photo attached)

Alex Burgess achieved a 1st BSc in Management as well as getting a Distinction in LSE

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