The Stelios Philanthropic Foundation’s mission is to support a diverse range of charitable activities, primarily in places where the founder has lived and worked – the UK, Greece, Cyprus and Monaco.

1. Helping the neediest people in Greece and Cyprus with “Food From the Heart”.
This program, started in 2013, offers each and every working day – without discrimination – snacks to people who register and ask for them. On average we give food to 200,000 people who come to our distribution centres each month.
– Find out more on Food From the Heart
– Find out more on Food From the Heart Greece
2. Promoting Lasting Peace on the Island of Cyprus.
Each year we offer several bi-communal awards to teams comprising one Turkish Cypriot and one Greek Cypriot, who are cooperating on the island. Each winning team is granted a €10,000 cash prize. Since 2009, the total value of the awards granted to bi-communal collaboration amounts to €3,250.000.
– Find out more on promoting peace in the island of Cyprus
3. Donating money to other charities with a diverse range of causes – Mainly in the four home countries named above.
In the event of a major disaster additional funds are directed to alleviate suffering. For example, 505,000€ were given in Nov 2018 to the relatives of 94 people who passed away during the fires outside Athens earlier that summer.
4. Supporting disabled entrepreneurs with cash prizes to stimulate economic growth and job creation in their communities
In the UK an award is operated in conjunction with Leonard Cheshire, a charity that focuses on helping disability. Prizes are awarded to those disabled people who have started their own business.
– More on supporting disabled entrepreneurs
5. Funding scholarships for young people
To attend schools and universities where the founder was himself educated.(Doukas High School in Athens ,LSE and City University in London).